Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Don't want this to end...

Just back from the Land of the Rising Sun.

Brought back with me a suitcase weighing a hundred tonnes.

Seriously didn't think I'm alcoholic before this.

But heck, I went to two different supermarkets and bought 3 bottles of umeshu and a six-pack of Sapporo beer, cold brew.

I'm tellin' ya, I'm not a beer person but Sapporo beer really got me. Drank it once last year and can't forget the taste since. It's practically all I ever think about when anyone talks about beer.

Oh, and a whole load of facial masks and instant food.

I've got my Sapporo beer.
My umeshu.
Mayday songs in my phone.
Another flight like this.
Some new clothes.


I'm happy.

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