Sunday, February 20, 2005



我喃喃的说 “我爱信贤”。。。



前天晚上我哭了。这几天实在是太忙碌了,老板把一大堆的工作抛来,而顾客也不停的在施压,我实在是受不了也忍无可忍了!So I cracked.Damn.
真的是好久都没这样哭了,很过瘾。我一下班回家(晚上十点半左右)眼泪就西里哗啦的流了出来,我也任性的打了电话给信贤哭诉,我很坏吧!I think I really messed up his mind. 因为我竟然说很想死,这当然令他很担心,想马上就从砂劳越飞回来,超感动的说!哈哈!

他能早点回来的话我当然很高兴啦,不过我也明白他需要 spend more time with his parents. 所以我就说不要了,我也不想他的父母真的觉得我在跟他们抢,嘻嘻。感谢主,这次信贤回砂劳越,我也处理得较上次好了,而且 according to him, 好很多耶!我当真是跨前一大步喽!这样的话就不会每次都搞得他左右为难啦,爱你哟,老公!

Anyways, 哭了之后舒服了许多,问题是,我竞不能停止了!就那样坐在阳台边,一直哭·一直哭,我甚至以为我快要疯了!竟然工作成这个样子,实在是不值得呐!还好我早已决定四月就交辞职信了,那时就能脱离苦海啦,哈哈!如果说忙成这样但还能够从中得到满足感,那倒不错,但坏就坏在,我一点这种感觉都没有!我根本就不喜欢我现在的工作,其实说穿了,我也不知道我到底想要些什么啦。


那样的情况(烟火)持续了两个小时左右,我真的没见过这么多的烟火在那么多不一样的地方同时涌上天空,可算是奇观啦,连 New Year 或 Xmas Countdown 都没那么厉害哩!真的!相信我!

而我呢,就呆呆的站在那里,凝望着那在黑夜里绽放的一朵朵火花,特别是最靠近我的那些,每一个涌上夜空的烟火,我都喃喃的说了 “我爱信贤”,嘻嘻!感动吧,老公!这样的话,我就觉得我们能够长长久久,听起来是很傻啦,但做了就觉得很开心,我也看到了好几盏孔明灯,我对它们说了同样的话,哈!

忘了说了,有些烟花坠落的时候像极了天上掉下来的流星,虽然我是没看过真的流星啦,但我还是对这些 “假流星” 许了愿,嘿嘿,当然是有关我和信贤的啦!流星是假,心、情意是真就行了嘛!

Sunday, February 06, 2005


信贤已经搭了傍晚 7。40pm 的班机会他老家了 - 沙劳越,因为他是搭 KL Sentral 的 KLIA Express 到机场的,所以我也跟到 KL Sentral 去送他了。而且我们还得来了一些意外的收获哦!信贤和我昨天去了 Sungai Wang 购物,他是想多买几件新年衣或是一双鞋子什么的,担都没看得上眼的,要不就是价钱超出预算或穿了不好看,结果走了一天却什么都没买,我们两最后还是拖着疲惫的身子回家。担今天呢,我们却在 KL Sentral 同时找到了我们都想买的东西呢!

他看中了一双鞋子,而且价钱还蛮便宜的呢!我也觉得那双鞋蛮棒的,颜色即特别担又不会有过于夸张的感觉,老公的眼光始终也是不错的,哈哈!而我呢,则买了一双我已经想买很久了的拖鞋,就是那种即可以穿出街又能很随性的休闲拖鞋,价钱也很棒哦!老公还买了一包肉干让我带回家去,虽然知道他只是回老家一个月左右,担还是会舍不得。唉,我就是这么依赖他,我当然明白他回老家是应该的,担还是贪心的想把他留在自己身边,真是觉得自己是个在跟他父母枪儿子的坏女人!当然,我不可能这么做,因为我不想当坏女人嘛(就算要做也不能做的那么出面,哈哈,开玩笑的啦!),担当他乘搭 Express 前往机场而离我身边而去之时,心里难免会浮现一种莫名的空虚感,毕竟我是个女人嘛,而且还是个超会胡思乱想的女人(外加自怜·自恋·自我中心,嘿嘿)。

啊,是时候该控制自己了,不应该每次都让老公这么担心我,每次都让他那么伤脑筋,我这样把他搞得一蹋糊涂也不是办法啊!真觉得自己超没用的说,我外表给人的感觉即强悍又自信,其实我哪个都不是,我的内心其实是个胆小鬼,怕头怕尾,又自卑,而且也非常在意别人的看法 - 跟这样的一个人交往,老公一定很累吧!我其实一直都在伪装我自己,我看其实是怕别人会发现我是一只没用的老鼠罢了。

不时会有以上的想法,担有时又觉得自己还蛮棒的,哈哈,人真是矛盾的动物!突然想起,老公昨天跟我说他根本就不了解他自己,我又何尝不是呢?自己到底是个什么样的人,这个类似先有蛋倘若先有鸡的深奥哲学问题,我早已放弃去追究了,即使找到了答案又怎样呢?我的生活不会因此而又巨大的改变啊,而且搞不好我还极度的讨厌真相呐!人不应该为了思考这种问题而浪费时间,或许我们都应该只活在现时才会快乐一点 - 适量的计划与思考是好的,担想的太多反而会物极必反。哈哈,反正我也不太喜欢用脑啦!我这种懒惰的家伙,只盼望傻人有傻福吧!

Saturday, February 05, 2005

BAD SCARE 的续集。。。哈哈

总之我就是得交出 RM 89。90 给那个店员就对了啦!真是太心痛了!不过也没办法啦,谁叫我手疡啊!

OK, BACK TO MY BAD SCARE STORY。。。当我回到家的时候,我已经胡思乱想到不行了。因为他的室友乱奇怪的,所以我就在想他会不会是跟他室友起了争执,然后他室友伤了他·或更糟的是。。杀了他?我简直是吓坏了·我!这样的事我尽然都能想出来,不愧是读设计的,现在想起来都觉得超好笑的!我甚至把救他出来的方法都想好了!我想说假装要回去他家拿些东西什么的,要是他室友有所顾忌而不让我进去他们的房间的话,那就肯定有问题了!我是如此的聪明!哈哈哈!虽然当时也觉得自己疯了,但却告诉自己应该要勇敢,万一我所想的是真的那怎么办?我可不想有什么遗憾,特别是失去他的遗憾。就这样,我试打了最后一次电话给他,还是不通,所以我出门准备作战了。

当我走到我家楼下的保安室时,手机响了,是他打来的!我简直都快哭出来了(虽然我刚刚在房里已经哭过了)!但是我的情绪变化非常的快,刚刚是从开心到不耐烦到生气到担心到害怕,总之就是情绪参杂的乱七八糟的,到接到他的电话为止,我的 RELIEF 有变成生气了。他说他在网咖打电动,打电动?我简直快气昏了!我这么担心他,他尽然悠哉悠哉的在那里吹着冷气·打着电动,而我却流了一身的汉水而且担心的歇斯底里了!什么嘛!他是皮疡欠揍吗?气死我了!



Saturday, January 15, 2005

Bad scare...

I had the worst scare of my life last night, all thanks to my beloved boyfirend, Shin Shyan.

He called me at around 7pm last night and said he wanted to have dinner with me, so I told him I would misscall him when I reach home. I had so much to tell him about my day. I actually met a pschotic old junk in his sixties on the bus on my way to work. What bad luck! Well, it was the 13th after all, thank god it wasn't paired with a Friday, too! Haha!

Anyways, I think that old junk was a veteran in doing that. He simply "molested" me with his eyes only. He didn't do anything like touching me so that I really couldn't do anything to stop him. I mean, I wouldn't want to be touched by his filthy hands, EEUURRGGGHHH!!! But from the way he looked at me, I knew something was wrong. You know, women's six sense or whatever. I wasn't quite sure at first so I just ignored him at looked the other way. Then he began to make faces, subtle but more than obvious for me to know that I was right. I still tried to ignore him for quite a while but it didn't work. Finally, I glared at him. With all the hate and disgust in the universe, I glared at him. Guess what? He didn't even flinch! He just stared back at me with his wrinkly-skinned yellow eyes! What a jerk! I had no choice but to abandon that tactic. So I started looking the other way again. The bus was too jam-packed for me to move away from this "thing".

Meanwhile, he just kept checking me out from top to toe and back again. What nerves! I imagined punching him until his face becomes concave, like they do in comics. As time wore on, I became progressively disturbed. Next thing I knew, I was already telling him off. I said,"Tengok apa? Tengok banyak-banyak tu buat apa?!" He tried to act nonchalant but he actually stopped staring at me again! He actually dropped back his head and went to sleep! Served him right! Old junk! Haha! I felt so gratified!

Okay, that wasn't the scare I was talking about. Just another sicko, no threat to me. I used to run into them a lot and I've learned to deal with these craps of society, in other words,"yan za" (cantonese).

Listen to the scare now. So Shyan and me had a dinner date. I attempted to misscall him before I went in for a shower but couldn't get through. Oh well, the signal was sometimes bad in his room. So when I was done showering, I misscalled him again, but the same thing happened. I decided to just walk over to his house. I did this while still calling him. When I reached his house, the door was closed so I called out his name. No one answered and I realized that his slippers were not there. Therefore, I reckon he wasn't in. "Weird," I thought. He was always in when I came to his house.

Not thinking much about it, I went to Cybertime, the cybercafe he frequented, he wasn't there. Undaunted, I walked to R2, the comic shop we like to spend our time at. Not there. By this time, I was already boiling with rage. I was thinking how I would give him a piece of my mind when I find him. Why didn't he have the sense to call me and tell me where he is when he had made a date with me?! I did all this while still calling him but to no avail. I then tried asking his friends but they either didn't know his whereabouts or was also having difficulties calling him. I began to worry.

I walked back to his house and called his name many times. His housemate answered the door and asked his roomate whether he was in. The answer was negative. His roomate didn't even bother to open the bedroom door. Well, his roomate was a weird one, a bit psychotic too. You should have listened to what he did to his love rival. I had no othe chice but to return home. It was already 9.30pm. I first came out from my house at 9pm so I was hot and sweaty, angry and worried all at once. I began to think negative. I was wearing a pink tank and a beach shorts, carrying a cute little polka dot clutch I had just bought at the 100Yen shop because I had planned a relaxing night for us. Now I began to think that maybe wearing those shorts was a mistake. Bad things seem to happen when I am wearing them. I dented a Sigg bottle last Sunday at 1 Utama when I was out with Cheryl and her boyfriend. And I had to fork out R

Saturday, January 08, 2005

Looking For an Answer...

It's Friday again in the blink of an eye. And I'm finding my life more and more unbearable. I used to have a really strong faith in pursuing my dream of becoming a graphic designer. The hold was so strong that I had came to KL alone, not even knowing if my parents would have enough money to see me through the whole 2 years of my Diploma. I came here out of my own free will. I was not like my other friends or teenagers my age because I had a firm knowledge of what I really wanted. I came here because of a dream. I had came here expecting nothing but believing that I would learn a lot that I would cherish all my life. I had fantasized about the outcome - the lifestyle,the convertible, whatever that I might reap if I did it right.

And I did - I graduated with distinction. But 2 years in that crap college had left me nothing but despair. I realized that I had wasted 2 years there and gained very little knowledge of the skills that I needed to equip myself with when I go out into the big bad world of advertising. I was left with the minimum defence just because I didn't possess the means to obtain a better education. I did get a loan. But how much could I possibly get with the lowest interet? So I borrowed from the government. But it wasn't enough. Hah! Now I feel relieved that it wasn't that much, or I won't be able to pay them back. From my own experience of job interviews and also my friends', it's apparent that designers do not command very high paychecks in this country. And we even have to endure those sneers from bosses because of our lack of knowledge. Damn the shit college for sucking us dry with the fees and giving us nothing but cancelled and unreplaced classes and equally bad lecturers!

I'm so disillusioned by this all. I've come to realize that I was too naive in the first place. I should have done more research. But it's too late. I have to face the music. It's not all that bad, just that my passion is lacking. I feel like such a zombie without a goal to reach for, after my first dream was shattered. Every day is just the same old routine repeating itself day after day, year after year. Do I want to live this way for the rest of my life? Who would want to, anyway?

I've been racking my brain for the past few months for a way out. Perhaps I should blame myself. If I won't help myself, who else will?

Tuesday, January 04, 2005

Quiet Day...

It's Tuesday, 1708 hour here in Kuala Lumpur. The time is different from the one dictated by Blogger. And Yours Truly is so dumb that she doesn't even know how to reset it. Sorry.

It's been a real quiet day at work. Really bored. Nothing to do. Can't say I don't like it, when the goings get tough, I complain, so I shouldn't complain now, should I? I am getting really desperate to get outta this nine to five hell. I'm just not made out for this, I guess. No one is. I mean, how can anyone be made out to be a corpse in front of the computer for 8 straight hours? (OK, maybe I'm stretching it a bit, there's still lunch break...). But I totally hate being cooped up in an office most of the time!

I don't know what to write anymore. Stop here then. See ya.