Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Lately, it seems that the million-dollar question that everyone keeps asking me is, "When are you coming back to Malaysia?" And they mean for good.

The official reply is after another 2 years. And that's the answer I've believed in ever since I left Malaysia. It did change to somewhere around 3 years at times.

But lately I've been starting to doubt it myself.

It came about when another Malaysian colleague asked me what am I gonna do back in Malaysia if I go back after 2 years. And BINGO! that's exactly the question I've been asking myself ever since I set my foot in this desert country. Until today, I still haven't been able to find a satisfactory answer.

Every possibility that I think of always brings me to a dead-end.

I will not specify each of them here for fear of security issues on the Web.

But trust me when I say that I have taken every possible solution into account.

In the end, it boils down to the sacrifices that I am not willing to make in the near future. Or the abilities that I possess, the determination needed to go through with a decision and my own weaknesses.

I've always taken my own time to work out what to do next. And I think this time it would be no different.

So my friends, do not worry. And I really appreciate what you guys are trying to do for me.

Although sometimes even I myself worry about it. But I believe things will sort themselves out in the end.

Well, hopefully.