Monday, June 30, 2008
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Friday, June 27, 2008
I wonder
She's only calling because she feels guilty. Or confused. She just wants to hear your voice just so she can become more confident in this relationship?
What would you do?
Would you continue to bath in the bliss of deception or are you sober enough to detect this little act of unfaithfulness?
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Random things going through my mind...
They finally fixed my room ceiling lights yesterday! I no longer have to live in the dark anymore, relying solely on my bedside lamp. Problem is, they left a mess behind - wire butts and dust everywhere. But I'm still happy, cos 3 months of light-deprived months had made me a more lenient person ^_^
My ulcer under my upper lip is killing me though. Everytime my tongue touches it, I feel like my heart wrenches so much I'm going into cardiac arrest. Guess my threshold for pain isn't very high huh. Seriously my body is so heaty right now I have breakouts in my face as well! This is when I have to get my mom's herbals out.
I'm getting sick of how he keeps haunting me like a ghost from the past! Well, he is a ghost from the past if you think about it. Even if I exhaust all my brain juices trying to get an answer, I would never get it just by thinking about it myself. I have already talked to two of my girl friends, the opinions are one negative and one positive so far. I think I need a guy's view next. It's not gonna amount to anything even if I get the answer from he himself, but at least then I will stop thinking about it. It's pointless, I know but I just can't help myself.
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Can you believe this?
I checked the flight info after I was pulled out. It was only a 4.5-hour flight. So I thought it would be easy, although I was definitely gonna face in du ren on this flight. And I heard the hotel there is amazing. The only catch was the layover was only a friggin' 13 hours.
I guess I was too naive, or I wasn't very lucky that day.
As usual, those fuckin' in du ren kept making me running back and forth to get them stuff. When I was busy, I just replied I would get back to them and forgot all about it. And when I finally got back to them, someone else had already got them what they wanted cos I think they just ask every crew who passed by. So I just didn't get back to them anymore cos it was just a waste of my time, seriously! I mean, I went back to a pax to give her the meal after she asked me to get rid of the chicken nuggets for her cos she was vegetarian only to find that another crew had already given it to her. And I returned to give a mother the baby food that she asked for but she too was already given one. What the fuck! So I was actually runnin' up and down the aisle for nothin'!
The most infuriating thing on this flight was the brats. I'm referring to their kids here. I tell you, most in du ren's kids are about the most un-adorable and horrible things I have ever encountered in my life. Think I'm biased here? Well then, have a listen.
An arabic mother came onboard with 3 kids (2 boys and 1 girl) and sat right on FOUR seats that didn't belong to her. The kids looked in du ren (IDR) though. Maybe she married an IDR-Muslim, I dunno. Okay, let's call them Family A.
Later, the original owners of the seats came. It was a lady with a baby and a little girl. We'll call them Family B. She was being quite understanding if you ask me. She was willing to wait for a while for them to sort out the seats when Family A refused to move.
After a while, Family B became indignant though. Cos well if you think about it, it was their seats after all. Why should they wait? She began to argue with the arabic lady. A few of us crew tried to talk Family A into moving but they just wouldn't budge. Even the senior stewardess came but it was still hard to get them to move.
Finally, the arabic lady asked her eldest son, who was around 7 or 8 years old, to move into their original seat. He was reluctant and was cursing in their own language the whole time. And he even raised his voice at his mom. The mom didn't say anything, which I think contributes to their kid's bad behaviour. Anyway, the little girl from Family B sat next to Family A in the end.
When I was giving out toys, the eldest son from Family A said,"Thank you, auntie. Give to my sister as well." Then as an afterthought, he said abruptly,"But don't give to the little sister!" I think he meant the little girl from the other family who kicked him outta the seat just now. True enough, he even went to the extent to pull out his sis into the aisle and told me,"Only this is my little sister."
You know, I don't mind if they call me auntie. IDR kids call every lady they see auntie. I know a lot of young ladies are offended when IDR kids call them that but I'm not one of them. I can only say that I've given up. I mean, why get stressed about something as stupid as that?
But I was uber-disgusted at the little boy's vindictive behaviour. He was only what, 7 or 8 years old? And already he was feeling vengeful toward others and showing it as well? The toys was for everyone and he actually asked me not to give it to them.
And they kept standing up when the aircraft was taking off. I had to turn around in my jumpseat and shout at them to sit down. They were even running around in the aisle when we were doing service with carts. Another crew told the kids firmly to sit down but it didn't work. Finally I couldn't stand it anymore and told their mom as assertively as I could,"M'am, you need to keep them in their seats cos we can't work like this!" She just nodded but I couldn't see any efforts from her to try and do anything.
Then when we were securing the cabins before landing, all the IDR passengers stood up like it was during boarding. Can you believe it? ALL of them stood up and opened the hatracks to get their bags out! And we were like, 37 000 feet up in the air with potential turbulence hitting soon.
When I was securing my area, the paxs had multiple big bags either on the floor or on the seats. I was thinking in disbelief,"What, they think they can keep those in their seats for landing?" So i told them to put it back into the hatracks because it wasn't safe like that. They acted a bit blank. I actually told them to their faces that,"Yeah you HAVE to put those bags up right now cos we are landing. I don't understand why you take them all out cos you're gonna have to put them back up again. So please put them back NOW."
And I actually went back 3 or 4 times to personally buckle the seatbelts of those confounding Family A kids. But hell they just couldn't stop getting up! When 2 of them were suffering from pain because of blocked ears, I was actually sneering inside, thinking,"Serves you right, you brats! I hope that can immobilize you till we land!" But no such luck, they were still alive and walking around during landing.
Anyway, I could go on forever talking about them. But I'm not gonna do that now cos I'm getting tired of talking about those fuckin' bastards. And it makes me depressed anyway. So guess I'll stop cursing them for now.
Saturday, June 21, 2008
A Song to Sing
Hello gone awry
Don't cry the fight ain't over
Unless you let it pass you by
I'm looking for a song to sing
Looking for a friend to borrow
I'm looking for my radio
So I might find a heart to follow
I've never been this longing for your lovin'
I've never been just wearin' down to nothin'
I've never been just looking for a reason
So that maybe you'll be thinkin of me oooh...
You'll been thinking of me
All that I have found in reason
Is reason just to not believe
And all that you are left is treason
Is treason just to let it be
I'm looking for a song to sing
Looking for a friend to borrow
I'm looking for my radio
So I might find a heart to follow
I've never been this longing for your lovin'
I've never been just wearin' down to nothin'
I've never been just lookin' for a reason
So that maybe you'll be thinkin' of
These blue yonder dreams and second hand shoes
You're so far gone that you're left to lose and
It's too late to go home all alone
You're the tar in that old cigar
And the worn out cable on a cable car
And you're too tired to admit you've got to choose
I'm looking for a song to sing
Looking for a friend to borrow
I'm looking for my radio
So I might find a heart to follow
I've never been this longing for your lovin'
I've never been just wearin' down to nothin'
I've never been just looking for a reason
So that maybe you'll be thinkin of me ooh...
You'll been thinking of me
It's a song by Hanson from their album This Time Around.
Brings me heartache every single time I listen to it.
I dunno how they did it, the three of them must have been between the ages 15-20 when they wrote it. But it sounds like some old guy lookin' back on his wretched life and wonderin' what could it have been.
Every word is heart-wrenching.
A large part of the album is pretty upbeat. Their usual sugary pop-rock at the time, which is why this song was even more of a contrast compared to the rest of it.
Trust me.
Taylor's voice isn't flawless. In fact, I think it's heavily flawed. But it's what makes his expression of sad songs even more believable. The way his voice was breaking when singing this song actually broke my heart as well.
I don't even know why I'm writing this.
Lately, well, I've always have it. A wave of nostalgia swept over me and I kept wanting to have a copy of that album in my laptop. I used to have a cassette tape version of it when I was in high school. But I can't put that into my laptop, can I?
So thanks to technology and the generous people who uploaded it online, I was finally able to download it.
It was like the sounds of my youth.
Haha I sound like an old wretch myself, don't I? Okay I know I am not that old but I am not young anymore either.
The longer you live, the more memories you're gonna have.
I finally understand that.
So anyway, nostalgia, to me, is always a sad thing.
People often say "both happy and sad memories".
Truth is, sad and dark feelings often etch themselves onto your heart much deeper than happy ones.
I'm not a pessimistic person. It's just the way things are.
And I'm not even talking about specific memories when I'm listening to this song. It's just a song that makes me sad.
But I like it.
It's one of my favourites in the album.
Now if you'll please excuse me and my melancholy thoughts.
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Relaxing in Johannesburg
Friday, June 13, 2008
Dubai...everything to complain about
Did I mentioned the ceiling lights in my room are dead?
For 3 whole months.
I used to change the light bulbs myself but this time they simply don't light up at all. So I guessed probably the wires or the head had burnt.
In the beginning, I always call them to tell them which days I'd be in for them to come repair it. But they never came when I was home.
Then a really nice security guard tried out the bulbs for me and confirmed that there's nothing wrong with my light bulbs and he will write about it in the maintenance report.
After a couple of weeks, still no one came.
Then one day, an electrician came up to take a look at it. I told him it's something else cos there's nothing wrong with the bulbs. He looked a bit blank but he kept saying "yes yes yes". I doubted that he did and asked, "Do you understand what I'm saying?" Again he answered yes and left. I asked him would he be coming back and he said yes. So I left the door open for him.
30 minutes later, the door was still opened but the electrician was nowhere to be seen. By now, I had given up trying to get them to work. A few minutes later, a guard called me and asked whether the repairman came up to fix my lights. I told him what happened. He blamed me for not telling the repairman what is wrong with the lights. I got really mad and retorted that I did and made sure that he understood me. Apparently, he said yes although he didn't understand anything at all. How was that my fault?
Since then, I have never asked them to come fix the lights. Especially this month when I'm on reserve, I dunno when is my day off until 2 days before.
A coupla weeks ago, security called again and asked whether they could send someone up to fix it. I replied groggily but sharply, "No. I'm sleeping."
I mentioned it to my friend next door and she said they also called her. But she waited for them the whole day and no one came at all.
That's why I tell everyone, if you have a better choice, don't ever come and live in Dubai. You will suddenly morph into a heart attack patient. That is, if you don't become limp getting rammed by a trolley pushed by an Indian or Arabic while doing grocery shopping. Or become clubbing-phobic because of being constantly hit on by sleazy Lebanese, Indians or Arabics here.
Dubai Taxi
After you request for the taxi, it will probably take them at least 20 minutes to send it. Sometimes they are late for a few hours. Sometimes they don't show up at all.
I missed a clinic appointment once because of that. There were also numerous times when the taxi just didn't show up on time at all. And may I tell you that it is very hard to get a taxi in my area. My apartment building is in the middle of a sand-pit, surrounded by buildings still under construction. Therefore I can't just go downstairs and hail a cab, unless I am lucky or I wait till another taxi comes up to drop off passengers.
I have tried calling them an hour or even two before but sometimes they are still late or they play a no-show. But if you tell them you are going somewhere far away, then they will show up on time or even early cos they will earn more. Can't really blame the taxi drivers either. They have no basic salaries.
If the place you are going is having a traffic jam (Dubai roads are jammed up 24/7), then they will refuse to take you. Or they will pretend that they dunno the way. Or they will take the long way where there is no congestion but you will have to pay extra. Some cab drivers are just plain rude and you can actually feel your blood pressure rising rapidly as you are talking to them.
There's a supermarket near my place which is about a 15-minute walk away. I seldom go out so whenever I do, I will buy a lot at one go. Problem is, after having a whole trolley full of heavy groceries, there's no way I can walk home. But at this supermarket, there are virtually no taxis. Even if you are lucky enough to spot the odd taxi coming through the parking lot to drop off passengers, they probably won't take you cos they know you wanna go back to somewhere nearby. They didn't wanna waste their time only to earn AED6.
That's why sometimes I had to wait 2 hours before getting a taxi or private cab because I am helpless.
If you call for a cab during peak hours, the operator will tell you they can't guarantee that there will be a taxi for you because it's extremely congested out there.
I really don't see how our calls are important to them.
The will to live
I felt like I killed it.
Now, people always say it is bad to give a plant too much water, especially in an air-conditioned environment. But although the leaves looked withered, most of them hadn't turn yellow yet. So I thought why not.
Thus, I put a lot of water into the pot and went to bed.
8 hours later, I woke up to find one third of the stems were slowly beginning to stand up again. It was the most amazing thing I've ever seen. I wouldn't have thought it only takes such a short time for it to recover. I was afraid that I can't save it after all but it worked.
The water was absorbed quickly. In just a few hours' time, the plant had soaked up the amount of water enough for 5 days. It was as though it was parched and thirsty. Well, I supposed it must have been.
By afternoon the next day, the plant was almost as good as when I left it 12 days ago.
Now it's even more robust than before. I guess what doesn't kill you really does make you stronger, aye.
Thursday, June 12, 2008
World's Worst HSBC Award
However, HSBC in Dubai is unique.
It is so different from the rest that it stands out (like a sore thumb I might say). And once you have started becoming a customer, it is likely to be an unforgettable experience.
The day that we started our cabin crew training, the bank's representative came to our apartment and offered to open bank accounts for all of us. So there was no hassle...everything was taken care of. This is unheard of in Malaysia.
Then the credit cards arrived only after endless calls to the bank. Some of my friends who opened the bank account at the same time as I did haven't even received theirs. It had already been 9 months since. As you might have guessed, they have given up completely on getting their credit cards.
The most amazing thing is, they never send us our card statements. And when I told them about it, they replied saying that they already did. It also baffles me that I receive my bank account summary every month but never my card statements.
My friend also tried to complain to them about the card statements. But after doing so for a few times, she got really pissed. The final answer given by the customer officer over the phone was, "We have already sent it to you. We will try again but we can't promise you anything."
Right, no promises. If I remember correctly, no bank customers need any promises on getting their credit card statements delivered to them. It is simply the bank's job to ensure that it's done. It's their responsibility that isn't even worth mentioning. It's something that's taken for granted.
But right here in Dubai, it's the customer's own responsibility to make sure they pay their credit card bills on time WITHOUT having a statement. Cos if you don't pay on time, they will still charge you the interest while they have already saved a considerable amount of money (postage, printing, stationery fees) by not sending you your statement.
Recently, one of my friends here wanted to get a car. She needed to get her bank account summary printed out. So she went to HSBC and requested it. The bank charged her AED25 (RM23) for each printed page. She needed 3 pages.
Therefore, the World's Worst HSBC Award goes to Dubai HSBC.
P.S.: Even the main Internet service provider here doesn't send me the monthly bills. I have to call up their customer service line every single time I need to pay the bill. And each time, it would take them 10 to 20 minutes to answer because according to the automated voice recording, "all our customer service agents are busy at the moment". And the opening to the recording is "Welcome to Etisalat, we are here to make your life easier". I beg to differ, they are here to make our lives hell. See, they ban Skype and also another Korean communication software here. My belief is that they wanna monopoly the communication market here.
The day I lost my mind
First they pulled me out from home standby to do a Johannesburg flight. Then they gave me an airport standby that lasted for 6 hours the very next day I returned from the Jo'burg flight. This is rare. The longest airport standby I'd known only lasts for 4.5 hours.
Didn't think I was gonna get pulled out again. At least not for another layover. At least not for another Jo'burg flight.
But I was.
Couldn't believe my bad luck.
On the way there, I was still feeling okay. As usual, it was a 24-hour layover. But around 2 hours before landing on the way back, I became agitated and angry.
A lazy crew who was imbecile enough to open a hatrack in my area and didn't close it while the aircraft was cruising pissed me off. The same crew who actually wanted to brush her teeth while we were just about to start blanket collection pissed me off. My own mistake pissed me off - I zoned out and started collecting blankets in that confounding crew's area. How could I be so inattentive? I ended up having to collect blankets in both areas due to my own negligence. Another crew used a giant plastic bag instead of the blanket collection bag and left the whole mountain at my door pissed me off. The damn thing couldn't fit into the lavatory and I had to get help while we were rushing to land pissed me off the most.
See, I got extremely pissed during that flight.
Then the company transport supervisor began talking rude to me when I arrived. When the bus driver said something to me and I couldn't understand it and he just waved his hand without explaining further, it finally set me off! I yelled, "Why do you people have to be so rude?!"
In the end, I found out that the driver was merely asking me whether I needed to go to the uniform laundry shop. I felt really bad and ashamed for taking it out on him. Especially when he was really understading and wasn't angry about it at all. I felt so bad and touched that I cried. I think it was because I was too tired and felt really broken.
Luckily, they crew scheduling people are humane enough to give me 2 days off now. And it's probably a bit weird cos I mentioned to my friends that I really enjoy airport standbys since it's normally only 3 hours and if you are not pulled out, then you get the whole day to yourself. Surprisingly, I get a lot of airport standbys this month.
I met...Keanu Reeves!!!
Actually, his look alike.
One of my seniors actually resembles Keanu Reeves on a flight recently.
He was pulled out to do the flight so he was the last to arrive in the briefing room.
The moment he sauntered in, I couldn't help but stared. Really stared. And the corner of my lips just curved upwards as if they had a mind of their own.
Geez...can't believe my luck!
Later I discovered that depending on how close you see him from, he takes on his own looks when you are at a distance to talk face to face with him. But he looked 100% like KR from afar.
Whenever he walked into the galley I was working in and talked to me, I would flash him the brightest smile. I was looking forward to the return sector when he would work in the economy galley.
On the second day of the layover, a few of us crew went out to the city on the hotel shuttle bus. Him, too. Everything was fine and I was still looking forward to working with him the next day.
It was already dinner time when we got back at the hotel. Me and another 2 crew were planning to go to the seafood restaurant by the beach where we went the night before. One of the crew mentioned it to KR-lookalike and invited him to join us. At first, he didn't seem to interested in it and asked things like, "Is it expensive? Is it far? What did you eat there?". We told him how much we spent and the seafood platter there had mini lobsters, prawns, crabs, fish and calamari in it. On hearing this, he said to his friend, a crew from another flight, "Let's go, man!"
But later, they came down with another girl so that made 6 of us. The cab could only take 5, max. But KR was adamant about the driver taking all of us. Else we would take another cab. I was the one who asked the hotel to arrange the cab for us. And the driver was a nice middle-aged man who'd took us the night before. Me and the other 2 crew felt sorry for him.
Finally, after a few minutes of arguing, KR got it through his thick skull that taking all of us together was outta the question. Mainly because I prompted him by suggesting, "If you don't feel like going, it's ok, we can go by ourselves." Since he didn't look too happy already, I doubted he would enjoy the food there. But he insisted that he wanted to go and added, "But I wouldn't go with YOU", looking at us and the driver who refused his request.
So we all got into the cabs and stopped by a DVD shop before heading to the restaurant.
Me and the other 2 crew were just talking about never ordering any western food like pasta or pizza there. It was Colombo after all. If we had wanted those, we could have it in Dubai. We decided we should have some authentic spicy local food. But Mr-No-Common-Sense KR-lookalike didn't seem to think that way. He ordered pizza.
And that was when the real nightmare began.
He took one bite of the pizza and groaned, claiming that it tasted like cheese on toast and summoned the waiter over to ask whether there would be a discount. When the seafood platter arrived, he complained that the seafood buffet in Marriott Hotel in Dubai is a lot better. C'mon, the buffet costs around AED200 whereas the platter in Colombo is only AED60. How is it fair to compare the two?!? Later, he kept on pestering the waiter to make the confounding pizza FOC.
OMG, the shame. And he was the one earning more than everyone of us at the table.
Later, a crew tried the pizza to see how bad it was. She agreed that it didn't taste that hot. Then I tried. KR looked at me expectantly in order to get a negative answer from me. I told him to stop looking at me like that so I can enjoy the food. After I finished, I said that pizza probably wasn't their forte here.
After they finished their meal, KR suggested it was time for bed. We were gonna stay a bit longer because I ordered another dish just for myself. So we told them to go back first in case they wanna rest early, but of course it was entirely up to them. But KR made it look like we forced them to leave. At that point, I really didn't care. Got sick of him and his drama.
At first, me and a gay crew joining us for dinner thought Mr KR-lookalike was simply dashing but now we knew better.
As a man, he didn't take things very cool huh.
Best layover, Worst flight

Yeah that was what happened to me on my Toronto flight.
Right, I finally set my feet on the Canadian soil.
Been requesting it every month and finally got it.
I've heard that the flight on the way there is bad because it's full of demanding in du ren.
But I didn't expect it to be HORRIBLE! HELLISH! EXCRUCIATING!
14 hours. That was how long it was. I actually worked non-stop for 10.5 hours.
We had horizontal rest for 3.5 hours each.
By non-stop, I mean NON-STOP.
The moment I walked through the cabin, 10 paxs would ask me for something. When I went back to give them what they requested,another 10 paxs would stop me. It was a VICIOUS cycle!
My senior finally thought it was too much for me and asked me to take a breather. I told her I would love to, but I can't because it went onand on and on and on and on...
On top of that, many of the passengers were not only demanding but impatient as well. They will grab my arm and kept asking for things.I felt like I was running all over the aircraft like a mad woman! Seriously!
On a happier note, a passenger actually stopped me to tell me that I did a great job ^_^
At first, I thought he meant the whole team. But later when I was passing by and he was talking to my colleague, he actually pointed me out and said it again. I was both embarrassed and happy. He was asking me how was I able to do that, it was amazing. Well, at least my hard work paid off and a passenger actually appreciated it. And my wonderful senior was so kind that she made appraisals for 3 of us whom she thought worked really hard, just to let our managers know we did a great job.
By the time I arrived at the hotel, I was completely beaten. I felt like sleeping with all my make-up on and I am a person who always removes her make-up no matter what. Well, I did, in the end. I didn't even shower though. I felt sore from head to toe, literally.
Next morning when I was taking a shower, there was a weird sensation on the sole of my left foot. Straight away I suspected my skin there must be peeling. True enough, when I checked after the shower, a patch of skin the size of a 50sen coin was coming loose but it didn't actually peel yet. So I had to tear it open and peel it away. I also peeled another patch of skin on my big toe as well.Then I had breakfast with another crew and went out to Niagara Falls with a group of crew, including the Purser (head steward/stewardess).
The Purser was a really nice guy. I did a Zurich flight with him once. Thanks to his planning, we rented an SUV and he drove us to the Falls. Although there was a bit of hitches in the beginning because we didn't know the way, we still managed to get there safely and quite quickly. Best thing was, each of us only paid $20 for the car (there were 8 of us) and another $3 for the parking at Niagara.
I couldn't believe my eyes when I finally saw the Falls! I couldn't even believe that I was actually there. If it hasn't been for this job, I don't think I would ever be able to go there at all! Or maybe not so soon. And now I even have free accommodation and ride! Well, I had to work my way there. But it was worth it. However, I don't think I'll ever do that flight again cos it was a real killer. I've seen the Niagara Falls so that's it.
Weather was simply lovely! We were in luck cos I heard it was still rainy and cloudy a few days before. And the weather channel on Yahoo! says the highest temperature was only 8 or 9 degrees. But it was around 18 degrees in the afternoon so it wasn't that cold and I actually sweat a bit under my thick jacket and had to remove it sometimes.
It was a bit intimidating when looking at the Falls, actually. It was massive and it seemed like water was pouring down from everywhere. I imagined that my bones can be easily crushed if I were to fall over the barrier on the viewing bay.There was a lot of tulips in the area surrounding the Falls. Never before had I seen so many tulips together! Yellow, pink, red, orange, they were everywhere!And I'm telling ya, that place is huge! There were amusement parks, shops and aviary spread across the entire area.
After we were done with the Falls, we went to downtown Niagara. The houses that we passed by were simply amazing! All of them looked like dollhouses that I could previously only see on TV. It was so unreal. It was hard to imagine that people actually live inside but well, they do! There were farmhouses with trucks parked on the side; there were cosy cottages and also gigantic mansions.
Me and another Malaysian crew kept going OOH AAH WOW while looking out the window.
Now I finally understand why Canada is a popular place for retirement. It's full of wide open spaces and the country side is simply gorgeous! I would love to live there when I get old!