Tuesday, July 25, 2006
Tornado Weekend
Friday felt like the worst day of my life and I broke down. It was really ironic because the things that happened would have otherwise been great but given the circumstances that day, too many good things in one day is a sure formula for disaster! I ain't gonna relate all the things that happened to me because you will just think I'm being whiny. Even I myself feel it was no big deal, really, it confuses me even as to how things turned out so bad.
I only had a bad day and I was whining like hell, but it turned out that Shyan had a whole bad week at work, no, make that ever since he started working in that large company. Well, big company, big politics, all backstabbers. But he still managed to put on a big smile for me, therefore I thought I should just stop drama-queening.
Luv ya lots, lao gong!
Then on Saturday, I went for the Qatar Airways interview which started at 9am at Crowne Plaza Hotel, KL. I already knew roughly what to expect from what I read on cabincrew.com and Penny's advices. However, it was still a bit unnerving to arrive and see all these really good-looking men and women in the hall, all waiting to enter the ballroom which may just be the start of their high-flying dreams. I could tell many of them are not first-timers to these interviews. Geez, most of them look like cabin crews but even they haven't got in after multiple attempts, what chance do I have against that? But I thought of Jacqueline and thought, "Since she could do it, I probably could too." Anyway, I didn't think I would get selected this time round.
The ballroom door opened and all of us filed into the room eagerly. I made acquaintance with the girl next to me named Amy. She's from JB too and she came all the way from JB to KL for the weekend because she didn't know there was another interview on the same day in Singapore. Oh, I loved her rosy pink complexion! She's actually 28 this year but she sure doesn't look it. Her resemblance to one of my college lecturers, Ms. Joanne Teh, was uncanny. They could have passed for sisters, if not twins! Maybe she was selected, I dunno, since we didn't exchange any contacts. But she looked good enough to be a CC.
I even met Si Qi, who was my course mate in college. She was wearing a business suit as well, suited her. She had always given me the impression of being demure and lady-like. She spotted me first - I was sitting right in front of her! And we exchanged phone numbers. Currently, she's working in Subang as a secretary. Well, I guess Graphic Design doesn't really work in Malaysia. Most of my course mates back in college had given up on this field to embrace better opportunities. Yours truly is gonna be one of them soon, in case you're wondering. But I need to figure out what I can do next, if I really can't get myself into a good airline, then I'd have to think of another way out.
And so the open day continued and it was time to submit our resumes and photos. There were 2 interviewers collecting them, unfortunately, my group had got an austere-looking one so it was quite unnerving. After submitting my stuff, I went home at about 12.20pm. Hmmm, still had a lot of time left before Che Wei came to fetch us for the Port Dickson trip. I went home and had a nap but I woke up after only an hour or so, anxious for the Qatar call. Every time someone calls me, I wanted to hang up because I thought I would miss their call.
As expected, no call from Qatar for me. So I thought, what the heck, I didn't have to worry about rushing back from PD tomorrow! Another way to console myself, I guess. But what more can I do, right? Might as well have fun with my friends first! I sms Si Qi, seemed like she didn't get through too. See, what the interviewers are looking for is totally beyond me! I thought she might get through!
Che Wei came to fetch me, Cheryl and Evelyn at 5.30pm. We met up with Wai Kiat and the others at a petrol station near the Sungai Besi toll and we were on our way to have FUN!
We were having the BBQ at Corus. Weng Soon, his GF and Wan Sek were already there setting up all the necessities. Gotta give credit to Weng Soon this time because he had everything ready for us.
Party started!!!
I had lotsa fun fooling around with them. So lucky to have them as my group mates in college! Unlike other tutorial groups, ours was the most united one. Almost all of us do everything together, whereas other groups move around in cliques. Needless to say, we were the envy of other groups because we always seemed to have so much fun, although other groups would be least likely to admit it. We are still the envy of my other friends because our group still keeps in contact after TWO whole years of graduating! In fact, we are having another yumcha session this Saturday.
After we finished makan-makan, we packed up and left for Glory, where we would be spending the night at. The condition of the 2-bedroom apartment was excellent! It even had a VCD player! All thanks to Ai Leen, who helped arrange for our accomodation. She's a PD local and the apartment belongs to her friend's friend so she got the house at only RM140 per night!
It was a day after Cheryl's birthday so Weng Soon bought a cake for her. Ping Yit even came all the way from KL to give her a surprise. PY and Co. only stayed for a while then made their way to Corus to get a room for the night. After eating the cake, me, Cheryl, Jaan Hoong, Wan Hoon and Willeon went for a seaside walk. We really shouldn't have left the others at home.
Here's why.
The guys were sprawled across the living room floor when we returned. They were zzz-ing away like pigs, I tell you! So much for the fun-filled PD weekend they promised! We had no choice, so me and Wan Hoon went to sleep. Wan Hoon was complaining about how boring the trip was compared to our last Xmas trip, which she missed. Well, she spotted the picture of Boon Fei morphing into a transvestite and it was damn funny!
And now, the guys were sleeping like dead logs, imagine her dismay! I tried waking them up, not really hard, I admit. I pulled at Sze Foong's blanket, jumped a bit on the cushions Wai Kiat was sleeping on, made some noise in front of the other guys' room, but to no avail. So I gave up and went to sleep. Fucking freezing, I tell you!
First night in PD went just like that.
Second day, we checked out and went to the beach. Geez, this is getting long winded! I might as well make it short.
Jaan Hoong surprised (and disgusted) us in his swimming trunks! Thank God he didn't wear the brief type! I didn't get into the water because I was menstruating and was worried that there wouldn't be anywhere to shower. But I was destined to get wet, I guess, since I went on the speed boat and was splashed by a wave as I was getting down.
Okay, I'm so lazy to write now. Just wanna say that I really enjoyed myself, although not as much as last Xmas. Hope next time we can go to Pulau Perhentian together, guys!
Thursday, July 20, 2006
Is this for real?!?
She's only 21 years old this year. By God's grace, please don't let anything bad happen to her. She's so very kind but just too pessimistic about the situation around her. Can't blame her, though. She was this close to becoming an air stewardess, her lifelong dream, and suddenly had everything taken from her with just a medical report.
To make matter worse, she had issues with her family, namely her sister and her relationship with her boyfriend is slowly disintegrating.
However, being the ever-hopeful person that I am, I still believe there has got to be some way around it for Penny. After all, problems and pressure come from our own mind.
Yeah I know some of you out there would probably say I'm not in her shoes so how can I say that. But hurting yourself is NOT the way to end things. You'll only make yourself even more miserable. And hurting yourself will also hurt the people who care for you. Unless you tell me you're a self-fanatic freak who doesn't gives a shit to what happens to the people who care for you, then please be my guest and do whatever you want with your miserable life. No offence here to anyone.
I just don't wanna see a nice person throwing away her life that way is all.
By the way, I've posted a coupla comments and saw others commenting as well but Penny still hasn't replied and there is no new entry coming from her. I really hope she's fine.
What's in a name
OUCH - I hate this. Everytime someone is hurt, I'd think they were calling me.
TAUGE - Means BEAN SPROUT in Malay
GIGI - N. It's not the common English name, it means TEETH in Malay.
Then after I got my English name;
Seems like no matter what I'm called, nicknames always keep close to me, huh?
I was even called "fei mao tui" (mandarin), which is the name of a flying missile when I was in primary school. They claimed it was because I ran really fast back then.
I'm really bored so that's it for now then.
Tuesday, July 18, 2006
A new guy came to work today at our office, since Eric left, like, 2 months ago. He's very skinny, has a clear complexion, KLite. Lives in Jln Ipoh. Hey, stop, I'm not trying to dupe you into thinking he's good looking, coz he's not.
I'm not sure whether I like this new co-worker of mine. But I have a feeling he won't stay long. Let's wait and see if my sixth sense is right.
Well, during lunch today, me, Kenny, Nazha and the new guy, named Foong, went to 21 Carrots. Foong said he's going to buy something. So off he went and came back 15 minutes later with a white plastic bag. Nazha asked him what he'd bought. He replied that he went to buy some fruits. And he didn't order any food, he said fruits are enough, since he'd eaten in the morning already.
Moreover, food here are really expensive, I tell ya! From my conversation with him, I have the vague feeling that he was realizing this company wasn't really what he wants. After chatting for a while, Foong got up again and said he was gonna buy something else. It was 10 minutes to two. So the rest of us continued chatting until 2 o'clock but Foong still wasn't back. Then we thought we had better return to the office first. I picked up the white plastic bag.
"Apa kat dalam tu?" Nazha asked.
"Tak tahu la," I replied while taking a look into the bag.
A half-eaten green mango (the extremely sour kind, I don't know what you call it in English), a bent-up polystyrene tray and a small pack of plum powder.
"Sampah ke?" Nazha asked again.
"Ya lah," I answered, a bit disgusted.
Well, maybe I was just being a busybody. But why the hell did he bring a bag of rubbish back there just to put it on the table? Weird.
After paying for our meals at the counter, we still didn't see him anywhere. On the way back, I was thinking quietly to myself, could he possibly have gone back to the office, packed his bag and left already, finally deciding this isn't for him after all?
We pushed open the office door and Mala was looking at us weird.
"Mala, we had lost the new guy!" Nazha told her.
"Right you are! He's inside now. How did you lose him?" Mala said.
We all looked at each other. Nazha and Kenny proceeded to the studio but I stayed behind and related the whole incident to Mala.
"So, you see, we didn't lose him. He lost himself!" I explained.
"Hmmm...maybe we should give him more time to blend in with us," Mala advised in a motherly manner, trying to give him the benefit of the doubt.
Sounds okay with me. I haven't discovered anything else wrong with him so far, aside from his strange gesture during lunch. I certainly hope he isn't as weird as I thought him to be.
Monday, July 17, 2006
Face off
Some of them even go to the extent of checking if you have body odour! Namely in the armpit area! How? I don't think I need to elaborate on that! I believe there are not many ways in determining that right? Where smell is concern, there's only you and your nose, put it up against the armpit and smell...and remember, it's the interviewers' noses up your armpits!
Smell tests in a perfume lab
Geez, being an air stewardess does need to be almost perfect.
I've taken a head and shoulders as well as a full length shot at Cheryl's house on Friday night. It was late, I tell you. I went to her house at around 11pm and we wrapped up at 1am. Well, we had to make my face up and decide what to wear. So I think that was pretty fast.
And the best thing about that was we actually had fun! Although we were both really tired but we were mucking around and taking funny shots as well. Then on Saturday and Sunday, I touched up the selected pix so that it looks like we had it taken in a studio. Haha, knowing how to use Photoshop really comes in handy sometimes! But my touch up skills are not that good so the background colour probably looks a bit fake, though. Cheryl is better in it cos she worked in a company that specializes in photo retouching last time. Shoulda asked her to do it but I don't wanna trouble her anymore.
Hey, Cheryl, thank you for helping me in this!
So now I only need ta upload the pictures to complete my application to Qatar and Emirates. But I guess I would have to let go of Qatar this time cos their Open Day is on 22/7 and I'm going to Port Dickson with my friends! I would really love to attend the interview but what to do, I've already made the plans with my friends since last month. No sense in "putting aeroplanes" now right? Man, I'm not a pilot! So I gotta let it go...*sob sob*
Friends are more important! That's right, keep tellin' meself that and be content! What's more, this trip is also in conjunction of celebrating Cheryl's birthday.
Back to my face...I'm having a beauty routine going on now but my face never seems to be completely clear of blemishes. Geez, help me God! Although I'm an atheist, but I do believe in a higher being when I absolutely need to, haha!
What the heck! I'll just go out and try it out first, whatever happens, happens! And if they don't happen, I'll make them happen!
Yiioshe! Ganbalimasu!
Friday, July 14, 2006
The Monotony of Life...*YAWN*
It reminded me of how different I am now from when I was in secondary school. Back then, I had an opinion on everything (not that I don't now). I would let everyone know about my opinions just to set myself apart from the rest. Difference is, I realize in recent years, I have taken to the back seat. I still have a lot of things to say but sometimes I choose not to say it or I'm simply too lazy to do so. Well, sometimes it's hard to relate and explain to others what I feel, especially now that I've lost my flair with words. Haha.
If blogs were invented during my seconday school days, I bet you anything I would be the first one to really go in on it. But then again, I didn't have Internet access, not that I have now. Only places I get it are my office and cyber cafes.
Okay, back to the topic. Now I'm only left with what little strength I have to browse through other people's blogs. These days, I just don't care about anything anymore. I mean, every day is just the same old working day in the no-day-or-night office, how am I suppose to have anything to comment about that. Generally, my life has become humdrum as opposed to the adventure-packed days I had in school. *Yawn*
That's why I would really love to become an air stewardess. It would be an experience to treasure for life, not to mention the more than promising salary that comes with it. And most importantly, I don't wanna go through life in the manner that I do now. Every day is the same and the monotony makes you unable to differentiate one day from the next!
Nowadays, I don't even remember what I had eaten or wore the day before! I used to have pretty good memory but now it's gone. I guess my smart little brain has interpreted that since every day is the same, there is nothing worthy to be remembered so it simply discards whatever that isn't needed, huh?
Thursday, July 06, 2006
Meanwhile, I'm feeling down and insecure because I've just found out that she probably applied to the same SIA ad as me. Did I mention anywhere in this blog that I applied for the position end of May this year? Well, it seems that my application didn't even get through the online screening process. Sigh! There's probably something wrong with my resume. Or my experiences aren't what they're looking for.
I received an email from them asking me to complete an online assessment. But every time I click on it, it just says I've already done it. Is this where the problem is? I honestly do not know.
According to Penny, SIA don't conduct open interviews. If that's the case, I don't think I'll ever be able to become an air stewardess with SIA. Hrmph! However, I frequently see SIA posting interview announcements on their website. If all interviews are by invitations only via email, they wouldn't have a reason to do that, right? I just hope there are other ways.
Hell, they haven't even seen me in person, I just want to be given an equal chance as everyone else. If I can't make it, then so be it. But I haven't even had a chance to know if I can make it or not! Guess I can only pray and pray that they will conduct an open interview in Malaysia soon. Hopefully in KL.
On 1 & 2 July, SIA had actually conducted an open interview in Singapore. I didn't go since it was too sudden. And it's damn hard to get holidays from my boss. Therefore, I'm stuck here in KL thinking up possibilities of what would happen if I had gone.
My biggest regret about this is that I didn't do it earlier. I should have done it last year when I was in between jobs. I was such a coward then. And the year before that. And well, I guess I didn't really know of a channel to get into it.
SIA used to advertise openly in The Star for their cabin crew vacancies. It was easier but I haven't had the courage to apply then. I didn't think I was good enough. But now it feels like they are doing it in a hush-hush kinda way.
Why? I wonder.
Worst thing is, I don't think I have much time left since I'm already 23 this year. How many times can I go on trying? So help me God!
Wednesday, July 05, 2006
Which Malaysian Blogger Am I?
Congratulations Tallibeth, you are...

Joyce the Fairy of xanga.com/kinkybluefairy
If you are a car, your fuel of choice would be unleaded alcohol. You are a major party animal with an unnatural obsession with art, toys and all things fantasy. You think the world is too complicated and you wished it could be as simple as it was when you were 7 years old. You live with it. You work hard, but you don't take for granted the simple things in life that make you happy. Sweet candy, cartoon music, crazy friends, all these and more make you a happy person living in your own little world.
Monday, July 03, 2006
Thanks, PENNY!
But if you do, I wish you luck in the final interview with SIA!
Knock them off with your charm, girl!
I couldn't make it to Singapore for the interview this time, too short a notice because I'm working in KL. Is there any possibilities they are coming to Malaysia this year?
By the way, are you from Singapore or Malaysia?
Hope to hear from you soon! Ciao!