Friday, July 14, 2006

The Monotony of Life...*YAWN*

While browsing randomly through other blogs, a revelation suddenly dawned on me like, "Eh?!".

It reminded me of how different I am now from when I was in secondary school. Back then, I had an opinion on everything (not that I don't now). I would let everyone know about my opinions just to set myself apart from the rest. Difference is, I realize in recent years, I have taken to the back seat. I still have a lot of things to say but sometimes I choose not to say it or I'm simply too lazy to do so. Well, sometimes it's hard to relate and explain to others what I feel, especially now that I've lost my flair with words. Haha.

If blogs were invented during my seconday school days, I bet you anything I would be the first one to really go in on it. But then again, I didn't have Internet access, not that I have now. Only places I get it are my office and cyber cafes.

Okay, back to the topic. Now I'm only left with what little strength I have to browse through other people's blogs. These days, I just don't care about anything anymore. I mean, every day is just the same old working day in the no-day-or-night office, how am I suppose to have anything to comment about that. Generally, my life has become humdrum as opposed to the adventure-packed days I had in school. *Yawn*

That's why I would really love to become an air stewardess. It would be an experience to treasure for life, not to mention the more than promising salary that comes with it. And most importantly, I don't wanna go through life in the manner that I do now. Every day is the same and the monotony makes you unable to differentiate one day from the next!

Nowadays, I don't even remember what I had eaten or wore the day before! I used to have pretty good memory but now it's gone. I guess my smart little brain has interpreted that since every day is the same, there is nothing worthy to be remembered so it simply discards whatever that isn't needed, huh?


Love a Lot said...

Yeah, same here... wake up go work, come back from work, have dinner, go out with bf for a drink come back and sleep... owhhh sometimes I am really worry, how long more can I stay on like this???

Korshovaster - Tarino Monster said...

yeah, dun wanna look back on life when I'm 80 years old and think "What the hell have I actually done in my life?" and answer,
