Thursday, July 20, 2006

Is this for real?!?

Read Penny's blog yesterday. I'm really worried for her. She sounded like she was gonna commit suicide! I certainly hope her head would clear a little before she attempts anything silly. But there's nothing I can do - I have no other ways to contact her except via emails, her blog and my blog. I've never even met her. But she has helped me a great deal in understanding the whole airline interview process.

She's only 21 years old this year. By God's grace, please don't let anything bad happen to her. She's so very kind but just too pessimistic about the situation around her. Can't blame her, though. She was this close to becoming an air stewardess, her lifelong dream, and suddenly had everything taken from her with just a medical report.

To make matter worse, she had issues with her family, namely her sister and her relationship with her boyfriend is slowly disintegrating.

However, being the ever-hopeful person that I am, I still believe there has got to be some way around it for Penny. After all, problems and pressure come from our own mind.

Yeah I know some of you out there would probably say I'm not in her shoes so how can I say that. But hurting yourself is NOT the way to end things. You'll only make yourself even more miserable. And hurting yourself will also hurt the people who care for you. Unless you tell me you're a self-fanatic freak who doesn't gives a shit to what happens to the people who care for you, then please be my guest and do whatever you want with your miserable life. No offence here to anyone.

I just don't wanna see a nice person throwing away her life that way is all.

By the way, I've posted a coupla comments and saw others commenting as well but Penny still hasn't replied and there is no new entry coming from her. I really hope she's fine.


Love a Lot said...

Talli, I am so so so sorry to have make you so worry about me.

Well I appreciate very much a friend like you. Glad that you understand that things got worst day by day.

That night I wanted to finish up all my sleeping pills and that's all about it with all the pains. But after the second pill, I stopped... Dunno why...

This is not the first time, I tried to cut my wrist not just one cute but several cuts. I sounds like some kind of psycho right?

I am so glad and well *hugs*

I really wish I can still stand strong cos life's getting tougher each day.

Love you mmwahh

Korshovaster - Tarino Monster said...


Yeah, I know you cut your wrist from previous entries of your blog. I know that's probably your way of coping with things and no, I dun think you're a psycho, just a girl who couldn't find the right way to cope with things.

I'm really happy that you're ok now. And next time you feel upset, please think twice before poppping that pill in your mouth or slashing your wrist.

Like you said in one of your blog entries, many things make us wanna end it at the time, but after we cool down, the problem doesn't seem so huge anymore.

Take care, ya!