Thursday, December 23, 2004

My First Time...

I have never blogged before. This is my first time, so if I sound dealy corny or awkward, just bear with me, ok? God help me.

I've never blogged before, nor did I ever read blog for a pastime. However, for the past few days, I have been greedily gobbling up the last 6 months of one of my ex-sec school mates in her blog. I guess I was kinda too free at work cos it's the end of the year and few new projects are coming in.

I actually feel that you can be quite exposed in blogs, since you reveal some of your innermost feelings to whoever might read it (and that means anyone on this planet!). But of course, bloggers always have to filter out some of their opinions to avoid offending people around them (especially those who read their blog). This should prove to be a lil challenging for me cos I actually keep a computer diary. I don't write in it every day, only when I am feeling crappy and I have no one to turn to.

Well, I guess this will be my first entry to my blog life. Cheers!

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