Friday, December 24, 2004

Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus

What a true statement. Last night as I was watching i, Robot with my boy, Shyan, we became an example of this statement. There was a scene whereby Sonny, the unique robot, was making his escape from the USR HQ. He left behind a trail of blue goo after being shot in the thigh by Will Smith (i think his role was Agent Spooner, or something). As soon as I saw the goo, I said, "He's bleeding". At the same time, Shyan said, "His oil is dripping".

Well, to my man, Sonny was just a robot, no matter how human he was built out to be. He dreams, he winks, he thinks that he has a father and he knows he's made for a purpose. Sounds like a Pinocchio story to me, haha. Anyways, to me, I probably saw Sonny as a human being already because although his facade is one of a machine, he talks and acts like anyone of us (only he can acrobat through high suspending poles and fights better than Jet Li!).

I guess men and women are just different in terms of their mindsets, point of view and approach in doing things. Men are more analytical and almost always do things based on their previous experiences, evidence and scientific research or knowledge. In short, they are more rational. Women, on the other hand, rely more on their instincts (and their intuition is mostly right). Women like to humanize things, they tend to put a lot of emotion into something, which might get in the way of their logic.

God has been fair. A person can't live wthout the masculine side nor the feminine side. That's why we've been blessed with both male and female hormones (I've forgotten what they're called scientifically, male is testostrone and female oestrogen?? whatever).

Okay, whatever the case, iI gotta get back to work now. I am actually in the office right now and it's 0908 hour. Cheers to a new day! Merry Xmas, everyone!

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