Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Dramas dramas dramas........

I have this annoying fever that keeps coming and going for the past month. It's just a slight fever but the fact that it never really goes away even after I've taken medications really makes me mad! On top of that, I have flu too.

Went to the company clinic earlier this month to have it checked out. As it was only a very slight fever, they only gave me Lemsip, the kind that looks like Eno that you put into hot water and drink.

I was less than happy about that as I thought, well, I can get that myself from the pharmacy, if I want that, I'd have gone there and not to the doctor. But it was a slight fever, so I still took the medication anyway, just to see if it works.

The fever didn't go away completely and as I said, came back again on and off still. I already called sick once for a Mumbai flight because of this and the eve of yet another Mumbai flight, it came back again. Maybe even God doesn't want me to go there, I dunno. But I did it anyway. Can't call sick twice for the same flight, can I? Otherwise, they're gonna think I'm doing it on purpose.

Anyway, they already did, they give me another Mumbai flight again next month, on the exact same day of the month that I called sick. How evil is that? Geez.

Since the medication doesn't work, and because there've been some negative reviews about the healthcare facilities in Dubai, I decided to see a doctor in Kuala Lumpur the next time I fly there.

I was aware that I might be quarantined due to the recent swine flu outbreak but I seriously didn't think that was gonna happen. It was just a possibility.

I already made plans with my college friends to meet for Kajang satay. Have a sore throat which was getting worse so I thought I'd lay off it a bit and just have some drinks instead.

Was supposed to go see a doctor in Setapak and then get picked up by Wai Kiat at Evelyn's house.

However, the moment the doc got my temperature reading, he asked me to report to the Sungai Buloh Hospital straightaway. I was a bit taken aback. Sungai Buloh sounded really far away.

He didn't even wanna give me any medication for my sore throat. I hate sore throats.

I immediately informed Wai Kiat about it and discussed about the possibility of cancelling the meeting because I wouldn't wanna pass it to them if I really have H1N1.

Good ol' Wai Kiat still came to the clinic to meet me to see what happened. He's such a darling that he offered to give me a ride to the hospital. Initially I was doubtful about going, cos I had to fly back again the next day. It would cause a lot of problems if they quarantined me.

But Wai Kiat advised me that it's better to go than spreading the virus around. I felt sorry to let him send me there cos what if I really have it, then he might be infected as well. And I don't think I have it cos I don't have high fever. So why should I go there. But then again, I've read in the news that there was a guy who had it and didn't have any fever at all.

Wai Kiat asked me to get masks from the clinic first. I went to the nurse but they said they didn't have it, which is absurd. Which self-respecting clinics won't have any masks? Wai Kiat was surprised. But I couldn't do anything about it since that was their answer.

So I came out only to go back again to get some information about this hospital.

The moment I touched the glass door handle, the doc came out with his hands clad in surgical gloves and racing to get the door from me, immediately wiping the handles and I could smell disinfectant.

Then he said he would open the door for me and asked me not to touch anything else, saying that he had been disinfecting everything since I left. I didn't mind that, I understand it was a precaution.

Asked the doc about the contact details of the hospital and whether it was still opened. Yeah, stupid of me, I know. But I didn't think outpatient treatment opens 24 hours a day, which was normal. And I didn't know which category my case falls into, emergency or outpatient treatment.

Aside from knowing that the hospital opens 24 hours, the doc had no fucking idea any other info about the hospital, like, the contact details and how to get there.

What saddens me most is the attitude of the doc. Sure he was smiling and all but the way he was talking to me in gloves and disinfecting everything I touched was making a family of patients inside the clinic discriminating towards me. They were looking at me strangely. As a doctor, shouldn't he be more sensitive instead? And what's this that their clinic don't have any masks?

Wai Kiat asked the doc for masks and he gave it to us. I told him that his nurses didn't wanna give it to us earlier. He replied that they didn't know. Didn't know what? I know you don't simply give people free masks but if u don't sell it here, you can just tell me. How stupid are you to tell people that your clinic doesn't have a single pathetic mask?

Oh, and when the doc told me to go to the hospital, he asked me not to say that I went to his clinic cos they will all be quarantined as well.

And he himself told me that I must go to the hospital instead of spreading the virus around. If I was really infected and they were not quarantined too, imagine how much virus will go around! What kinda attitude is that for a doctor? Truly disgusting!

I'd never ever go back to that clinic again. There's another older doctor who's really good but he isn't always there. So I guess that's it for me.

Fortunately, Wai Kiat knows the hospital. We left for Sungai Buloh after I went back to the hotel to inform my Purser about everything. I even brought extra water and my contact lens case and solution just in case they needed to quarantine me there.

The swine flu unit was set up outside the hospital. A family of three was already there so I waited in line behind them.

Waited for 35 minutes and the medical personnel still haven't finished with them. Me and Wai Kiat went to look at some swine flu posters nearby. Then another personnel came to us and asked whether we were there to check for swine flu. He told us that we should have gone to the counter to tell them so we would be served. Wow, that meant we wasted 35 minutes for nothing!

See, me and Wai Kiat were there wearing masks so our visibility was no doubt higher than high. And the sign at the tent clearly stated that it was an area specially for suspected swine flu cases.

If I needed to go to the counter, the personnel who was serving the family could have told me when he saw me sitting there for a fucking half an hour! He could have at least ask why was I there! But he did nothing!

And the second personnel only came to ask us after a doctor told him to. Jesus! We could have been waiting there for a whole night without knowing what's going on!

It certainly isn't a good feeling knowing that you might have swine flu, and the people at the hospital certainly isn't making it any easier.

I wasn't afraid for myself but I was really worried about spreading it to the people I know.

Anyway, after gathering info about my signs & symptoms, medical and travel history, I was told to wait outside a room for the test.

Waited for a long, long time before I was called in and had a tongue swab done on me. A stick was inserted till the very back of my tongue and I felt like choking.

Doc put me on home quarantine for 24 hours the next day. If I received no calls from the hospital, that means that I'm cleared. It also means that I can't fly back with the other crew because of the timing.

We've been there for a whole 2 hours.

Poor Wai Kiat must be famished! He came to meet me straight after his badminton session and hadn't ate for at least 3.5 hours! Add to that that he runs the risk of being infected.

He said that it probably wasn't serious since I was being put on home quarantine. So we went to Jalan Ipoh to have dim sum.

I really dunno how to thank him. Wanted to pay for the meal, we both tried to give money to the waitress but as usual, the waitress only took money from the guy. Sigh.

Wai Kiat is genuinely a good friend. Can't put my gratitude into words. Anyway, must belanja him next time or buy a present for him.

Returned to the hotel and left a message for the Purser to call me once he woke up for the updates, that I can't fly back with them. He asked me to give him a copy of the quarantine form so that he can write a report on it.

I woke up really early and ordered room service, ready to start my day of being quarantined. Then called the hospital for the test results, if it was ready early, then I could still fly back on schedule.

Thank God and all my guardian angels that the result came back negative! Which means that I'm cleared. I have no H1N1.

But this fever is still bothering me. It's still here even after I took the medications they gave me.

The company clinic advised me to go in for a blood test if the fever still persists, just to see whether my red and white blood cells are normal.

I hope everything's fine.

God bless me. And Wai Kiat as well :)

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