Monday, November 27, 2006


Had a major fight with Shyan yesterday, which was a Sunday. Geez, of all days! We were heading to Times Square for some aimless loitering. Heat was slowly building while we were hunting for a space in the parking lot. We were already up to level 7 WITHOUT a damn parking space!

Then I suggested we go down to the basement carpark if we can't find a space. Maybe I said it one time too many, shoot my mouth. Before that I was advising him not to leave his bags onboard unattended with robbing cases so prevalent nowadays. I also told him to lock his doors right after he gets on the car. Yeah I know was being naggy, especially while he was driving. But it wasn't the first time I advised him and he never takes heed. That was why I went on and on. Gee, I'm morphing into my mom.

Anyway, he wasn't happy with my suggestion and we went quiet. The firestarter was when his car ran into a bump in the carpark and he started yelling like a the car. I genuine hated that so I made some snide remarks and he totally lost it.

Gee, I don't think I wanna go on with this because it's gonna be really long. All I can say is, the fight ended with me crying in his arms after hurling abuse at each other for quite some time. So we didn't get to loiter at all, in fact we drove straight back and the fight stretched well into the car and into my house 3 hours later. He went to the cybercafe to cool off in-between.

I'm just glad that our fights always ends with us apologizing to each other. That means some kinda compromise and understanding are achieved.

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