Friday, April 28, 2006


It's Friday night and yours truly is still slogging away at the office, with poops trying to squeeze themselves out my asshole but there isn't enough moisture, it seems. I get probs like that sometimes, what you call constipation. It's gotten a lot better, though. own fault. Creative juices are drying. That's why I can't get a good design out to my boss. That's why I have to do this fucking job on a rainy Friday night.

Man, I just wanna dash home and spend some quality time with my guy. Monday's Labour Day, for God's sake! Well, which is why I wanna get everything over and done with tonight. Then I won't have to fret about it anymore.

Sunday's Mother's Day but I ain't gonna be home to visit Mom. Guess I'm the most unfilial daughter you'd ever see. Come here, take a picture then. No, honestly, like other people, I'm just beginning to notice how old my parents have become.

Thought of providing them a comfortable life in which they would not need to worry about money or other cruel facets of life, too. But I guess I'm such a lazy bum it will be a helluva long time for me to achieve that. Sometimes I really do wish I have more drive.

Wondering why I'm slogging away but still have the time to blog? Well, my machine is the slowest of its kind so I have to wait for the files to open up. Anyways, gotta get back to work.

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